Level of knowledge in palliative care, preparation and capacity to provide care at the end of life by health professionals
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end-of-life care
emotional intelligence

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Martins, M., Rodrigues, A., Marques, C., & Carvalho, R. (2024). Level of knowledge in palliative care, preparation and capacity to provide care at the end of life by health professionals. RIAGE - Revista Ibero-Americana De Gerontologia, 5. https://doi.org/10.61415/riage.244


The predominance of slowly evolving chronic-degenerative diseases, resulting from the progressive aging of the population, has increased the need for the provision of palliative care (PC). In this context, there is an interest in evaluating the skills and abilities of health professionals. The present study aims to identify the level of: knowledge in PC, spirituality, self-efficacy and ability to provide end-of-life care (CFV) by doctors and nurses working in a hospital center. We also seek to understand the academic and clinical trajectory in learning and training in PC and discuss the inclusion of educational programs in this area. This is a quantitative, observational and cross-sectional study applied to doctors and nurses working in a hospital center, with contact with patients at the end of life. The data collection instrument included a questionnaire administered between May and July 2022. The variables were evaluated using IBM SPSS for Windows (V.26). As a result, we observed that doctors and nurses (n=380) have medium to low levels of knowledge in PC. Perceptions of spirituality, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and preparation and ability to provide CFV revealed a moderate overall mean value. Most professionals do not have training or experience in CP. The levels of perception of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and ability to provide CFV by health professionals are average. Knowledge in CP is low, because they are unaware of some of the principles. It is suggested that a subject on PC be included as a mandatory subject in higher education health courses.

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