Health (dis)equalities and social isolation and loneliness in the older people: a qualitative study


qualitative study
older people
health inequalities
social isolation

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Health (dis)equalities and social isolation and loneliness in the older people: a qualitative study. (2024). RIAGE - Revista Ibero-Americana De Gerontologia, 5.


Demographic ageing is currently a major concern worldwide and has beengrowing at an accelerated pace, which is why it is important to reflect on the aspects that can be preponderant in the process of growing old. Therefore, this study aims to understand the perspective of elderly people in Póvoa de Varzim regarding the factors that influence (in)equality in health, as well as social isolation and loneliness. A qualitative study was carried out and a total of 37 participants wererecruitedtotakepartin4focusgroups, using the intentional non-probabilistic samplingmethod. The focus groups were analyzed on the basis of thematic analysis. Findings show that the factors that seem to influence health inequalities are related to accessibility to health services (general functioning and appointments), as well as socioeconomic and demographic aspects, which are also at the heart of social isolation and loneliness, alongside community factors. These results have contributed to a better understanding of existing healthinequalities and how older people perceive social isolation and loneliness, thus making it possible to understand the helical process inherent in the subject under study. In thisway, it has allowed the development of possible actions and/or strategies at the level ofpolicies and the organization of services and communities, in which the Occupational Therapist also plays a fundamental role that will contribute to a transformation of the ageing paradigm and the promotion of a healthy life for older people.



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