Depression in the golden years: an in-depht literature review of risk factors among institutionalized elders


risk factors

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Depression in the golden years: an in-depht literature review of risk factors among institutionalized elders. (2024). RIAGE - Revista Ibero-Americana De Gerontologia, 5.


Depression rates are notably higher in older adults residing in long-term care compared to their community-dwelling counterparts. The complexity of care needs for this group is growing, yet the specific risk factors for depression remain poorly defined. The review consolidates current knowledge on the risk factors for depression, aiming to bridge these gaps in idenOficaOon and intervenOon development. Searches were performed using 3 databases: pubmed, scopus and web of science, for research of original arOcles published 2000-2023. 8 studies were selected for final analysis. The results reveal that the most prominent risk factors for the emergence of depression in this populaOon are the presence of depressive symptoms at baseline, cogniOve impairment and pain. The findings underscore the imperaOve for early idenOficaOon and comprehensive management of depression in older adults residing in long-term care seSngs. It advocates for an integrated care model that encompasses mental health intervenOons alongside physical health care.



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